Summer School 2020
Designing beyond the individual
5-7 August 2020
Venue: Online / ZOOM
The programme (PDF)
Our keynote lectures are open to public. To prevent zoombombing, we will not be publishing the zoom link online. Please write to palak.dudani (AT) for join in details.
Keynote 1
Ahmed Ansari: Taking a Critical Look of Collective Knowledge Production
5th August, 1500 – 1620 (CEST) Audio recording of the talk (MP4)
Keynote 2
Shana Agid: Shaping Collectives and the Abolition Movement
6th August, 1500 – 1615 (CEST) Audio recording of the talk (MP4) | Slides [PDF]
The Faculty Teachers and Facilitators
Henry Mainsah
Associate Professor, Consumer Research Norway (SIFO)
Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet)
Andrew Morrison
Professor of Interdisciplinary Design
Director, Centre for Design Research
Institute of Design, Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO)
Dagny Stuedahl
Professor, Department of Journalism and Media Studies
Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet)
Josina Vink
Associate Professor of Service Design
Institute of Design, Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO)
Palak Dudani
NORDES Summer School Coordinator
Institute of Design, Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO)
palak.dudani [at]
NORDES Summer Schools
The summer schools are workshops for phd students that takes place every second year and serves several purposes:
- The summer schools introduce areas of reflection, theory and design that typically will be regarded as too marginal to be a part of the Ph.d. curriculum at a design faculty.
- The summer schools provide a common ground for Nordic PhD students to meet, learn from one another and provide the basis for both formal and informal research programs and projects.
- The summer schools will share thematic similarities with the coming conference. On this basis the summer school aid the students in developingpapers suitable for publication at the conference.
- The summer schools also provide a platform for the exchange of knowledge between people responsible for ph.d. programs in the various nordic countries. It is the ambition of Nordes that the summer schools will develop into world class design research courses that are applicable for the PhD programs in the nordic countries and beyond.